[Either/Either] Tactics for Subversion, [Wanting Something Completely Different] *111 Vignettes of Left-wing Figures, Films, & Writers, [Undercurry] *Broadcasting from under imaginary curry shops, [NNNNNNNNNNNN] *Destroying racialized public space w/ Noah Emanual Morrison, [oH Radio] *Sponging off the Academy, [Workshop with BA students at the Estonian Academy of Arts] *Hacking the space between the last show on the radio and the first show on the radio, [Fear of Paper] *Sleeves of Records, [How to Stand-in] *Stealing Sounds from a Space w/ Daria Luchinina, [OMDD 77] *Tried & Tested Dancefloor hit, [Moving Couch Cinema] *A Proposition for Departure, [DRAMA] *352 x 190 cm, [Prints & Misprints] *Posters, Flyers, Invites, and more. Shubham is a graphic designer and audio publisher based in Tallinn, Estonia. With his design practice, Shubham seeks to uncover forms & formats of publishing that appear in these under-commons. He taps into dishonesty, mischief and parasitizing, as methods for shape-shifting into fictitious appearances, in order to speak freely. He’s currently getting his master’s degree at EKAGDMA, and often cooks at Undercurry.
e. shubham.aggarwal@artun.ee
t. +372 5439 0066
i. @shbxsz